Parade Waiver - Required for All Participants
Please Read and Sign This Document.
This Document is Required Before Entering the Parade.
The Lemont Keepataw Day Organization reserves the right to refuse any entry to any vehicle that is deemed to
be a public hazard. The driver must possess the necessary operator’s license required by law for the type of
vehicle operated. Proof of insurance, registration, and operator’s license must be presented. No alcoholic
beverages or illegal substances are in/on or near any parade vehicle.
I state that I am authorized to act upon behalf of everyone that will be participating in the parade with
(hereinafter “My Group”) and state the following is true:
Please Read and Sign This Document.
This Document is Required Before Entering the Parade.
The Lemont Keepataw Day Organization reserves the right to refuse any entry to any vehicle that is deemed to
be a public hazard. The driver must possess the necessary operator’s license required by law for the type of
vehicle operated. Proof of insurance, registration, and operator’s license must be presented. No alcoholic
beverages or illegal substances are in/on or near any parade vehicle.
I state that I am authorized to act upon behalf of everyone that will be participating in the parade with
(hereinafter “My Group”) and state the following is true:
- That if My Group or I have a vehicle or other equipment in the Lemont Keepataw Parade, sufficient liability insurance will over the vehicle or other equipment for the day of the parade.
- That on behalf of My Group the organization of which it is a part, and its members, I assume any and all liability for any damage or injury resulting from any action or inaction by My Group, including negligent actions or inactions, the organization of which it is a part, its members, or any persons participating in its contingent.
- That on behalf of myself, My Group, the organization /business of which it is a part and its members. I/we agree to indemnify and hold harmless and Lemont Keepataw Day organization, its members, officers, agents, and associated personnel in the event of any and all claims, accidents, injury, costs, and/or damages to the persons and/or property of myself, My Group, the organization/business of which it is a part, and its members.